Health Recipes

Welcome to the Feed & Teach Nutrition Health Recipes. These recipes are wondrous in their proper execution, and have been shown to effectively work for the betterment of your health. When using these recipes, always remember to employ the use of organic ingredients whenever possible for the best results.
Cucumber Cleanse
Cucumber Tips & Tricks (complete data sheet)
Cucumber & Cranberry Cleanser (handy index card)
Cucumbers are a remarkable vegetable, and we have put together a great formula that contains other ingredients that will help give your body a nutritional boost and cleanse your system at the same time.
Electrolyte Water
Electrolyte Water (handy index card)
Your body needs electrolytes in order to sustain itself, and there are many drinks on the market today that fill that need. However, many of the many of these popular drinks contain artificial colours and preservatives which are not healthy for your body. Our formula is easy to prepare, and is healthy and tastes great.
The Culligan WaterWatch Information Bureau
What You Should Know About The Water You Drink
The two publications above provide great insight into what is in your drinking water, and contains interesting data that is easy to read and understand. These come courtesy of The Culligan WaterWatch Information Bureau, and are highly recommended to anyone who is interested in the health of their water.
Heart Blockage Cleanser
Heart Blockage Cleanser (handy index card)
Are you suffering from heart disease, or have you been advised to undergo Angiography or bypass? This formula will clear your arteries of blockage.
Maple Syrup & Baking Soda Cancer Remedy
Maple Syrup & Baking Soda Cancer Remedy (handy index card)
This formula helps reduce the cancer cells in your body, and restores your pH balance to an alkaline base, and reduces the acidic level, which is what cancer feeds off of.
Canis Lupus Familiaris (Dog) Health Recipe
Canis Lupus Familiaris (Dog) Health Recipe (handy index card)
When you give this formula to your dog, you will start to notice the positive effects in a couple of weeks, as they will have better mobility.
Honey and Cinnamon Remedies
Honey & Cinnamon Remedies (complete data sheet)
Honey & Cinnamon Remedies (handy index card)
Honey and cinnamon have been found to remedy most ailments.
Cayenne Pepper Remedies
Cayenne Pepper Remedies (handy index card)
Therapeutic action: Stimulant, tonic, carminative, sialagogue, stomachic, rubefacient, pungent, alterative, astringent, antispasmodic, sudorific, emetic, antiseptic, condiment, anti-rheumatic. Cayenne is a medicinal and nutritional herb. It is the purest and most certain stimulant. Cayenne is a great food for the circulatory system in that it feeds the necessary elements into the cell structure of the arteries, veins and capillaries so that these regain the elasticity of youth again, and the blood pressure adjust itself to normal…
Comfrey Remedies
Therapeutic action: Demulcent, cell proliferant, pectoral, astringent, nutritive, tonic, expectorant, hemostatic, alterative, vulnerary, mucilage, and styptic. Comfrey is one of the finest healers for the respiratory system, especially where there is hemorrhage of the lungs; it has saved thousands of lives.
Gallstones Removal Remedy
Here is a simple recipe to dissolve Gallstones, easily without surgery. Many have used this recipe with much success…
This remedy also will work nicely to remove kidney stones.
Garlic Remedies
Therapeutic action: Alterative, stimulant, diaphoretic, (sudorific), diuretic, expectorant, antispasmodic, antiseptic, disinfectant, tonic, nervine, cathartic, emmenagogue, carminative, anthelmintic (vermicide), rubefacient vulnerary, antivenomous, rubefacient, antisyphilitic, condiment, anti-catarrhal, digestant. Anciently, garlic has been used in both healing and nutrition, as it was known to possess a great resource for physical strength and energy…
Fungus Remedies
Heals cancer of the uterus, heals kidney problems, diminishes cholesterol, softens veins and arteries, takes away freckles…
Beatrice Nutrition & Health Sciences does not provide medical advice. Information is intended for educational purposes only. For specific nutrition guidance, please consult with your regular healthcare provider or a registered dietitian.