Beatrice FAQ’s

What does the name ‘Beatrice’ stand for and why choose this name for the company?
*Beatrice (pronounced bee’-a-tris or in Italian bay’-a-tree-chay) is a name derived from the Latin name Beatrix. This occurred in medieval Italy. Beatrice means she who blesses. The French form is Béatrice. The Spanish and Portuguese form is Beatriz. The Greek form is Βεατρίκη.
The Beatrice name was chosen because it is a beautiful and classical name with a true meaning of how our company feels about the service we provide to our customers. A company name should convey what it means and what it is going to do for its customers. Beatrice…she who blesses with quality service.
*Information courtesy of Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.
What markets does your company serve?
Beatrice serves the the United States of America, and to customers internationally with our Bittium SafeMove, and Tough Mobile service.
Is it true that Beatrice strives to support U.S. based manufacturing businesses instead of Chinese ones?
Yes, Beatrice has a policy of supporting the communities in which it operates it’s business, which is the U.S. For instance, with our technology business, we will not purchase voice, video coax, or data (Ethernet) cabling from Chinese suppliers, and only use SYSTIMAX ®, which is manufactured in the U.S. by COMMSCOPE. Management feels that U.S. jobs should come first, and also the health and safety standards here in the U.S. far exceed those of China, which have come under increasing scrutiny in the last few years. The U.S. has plenty of quality vendors that we use, and Beatrice will not undermine quality or safety just to save a few dollars.
What is the primary business of Beatrice?
Beatrice Technologies, Inc. is our main business, and fulfills the needs of Enterprise and Public Services sector business customers in the area of high quality telecommunications infrastructure installation and maintenance services. Primary brands are Bittium SafeMove and Bittium Tough Mobile, which are VPN based services for mobile phone. In addition, we offer SYSTIMAX ® structured cabling and supplies. Beatrice Technologies also owns and maintains the Beatrice Foods Archives, Borden Archives, and Bell System Memorial web sites through our flagship virtual Internet research portal known as The Porticus Centre.